Business Networking Made Eaiser

If your serious about growing your business then talk to us


The Network Centre is an independent business network, created and operated by local business people for those who own, run, or work for businesses.
Our moto is: “Local Experts for Local People”

The group hosts networking events at two locations across Northern Ireland. Famously relaxed and informal, our events attract local business owners from a mix of business sectors. At the events, we actively facilitate business to business connections, helping your company raise its profile, increase its valuable contacts and develop new contracts. We suscribe to the philosophy that:

If I give you business, you’ll want to give me business back“.

We engage with our members on how to attract and win more new business through word of mouth at a local level is like having your own unpaid marketing team working for you, because your fellow members give out your cards and refer your business to people they meet.

Why do they do this? Because they know you are doing exactly the same for them.


The network group’s primary aim is to increase business opportunities for its members as well as
developing close relationships between the members of its business community. Some of the benefits of joining the group will be:

  • Interact with fellow business owners
  • Get business tips from fellow members
  • Share your experiences and what has worked for you
  • Receive referrals from the other members
Our network is as much about giving as receiving. In fact statistics show that those who give the most referrals, receive the most. This is also true the other way, those who give little, receive little. So networking is about engaging with people, getting involved, showing that you are willing and able to give to the group. If that sounds like you then you will receive customers through networking.


Our meetings are great fun but structured.

  • Starting with breakfast
  • Business tip from our Business Coach, Tony
  • 10 minute spotlight presentation – This could be a member of the group, or a guest speaker. The opportunity to showcase your business.
  • 60 second elevator pitch – An opportunity for each member and visitor to share what their business is all about and what type of customers we are looking for.
  • Network update from Dermot Corr, our accountant
  • Open discussion
We start at 7am for 7.30am start and finish around 8.45am. We hope that members come to every event, but if not, then letting us know at least 24 hours in advance is acceptable, or we invite members to send a substitute.


To become a member you have to be a business owner, ideally your business should be located in Belfast and Ballymena as this is where our groups meet but his isn’t a restriction more of a practicality.

If your interested then we would encourage you to to come along as a visitor. There is no cost to this and you can come twice as a visitor.

To apply we will provide you with membership form and standing order form.

Should you wish to join our membership for one group is £35 per month and this includes breakfast and our meetings.

You will have the opportunity to join both groups at a discounted membership fee.

We believe that this is really good value for money and our members agree.



Get Membership - Do you want to be part of a growing local network group?

Get in touch for more information on the network group or to find out the date and times of events near you please you the contact form and we will get back to you with any questions you may have.