About Us

Local Experts for Local People

Aim of The Network Centre

The Network Centre was set up in 2014 by Gareth, Tony and Dermot. Its aim at that time was to help its members grow their businesses through education and referrals. The Network Centre is a non-profit organisation and our chosen charity is Cancer Focus. Any profits at the end of the year go to this worthwhile cause. We feel as members that we should give back. This is something that differentiates us from other groups.

We have a structure to our meetings which is important and you can see that below. We have 2 chapters currently, one in Belfast and the other in Ballymena. We have meetings monthly at the Adair Arms in Ballymena and Ramada Encore in Belfast.

Message from the Chairman and Founder

The Network Centre

I was informed in 2014 that I needed to do some networking to help me build my business, wise words from Tony Hayes, my business coach and fellow member of The Network Centre.

I searched and searched but could not find a networking group that I felt I would be happy joining.

I decided then to start my own.

I knew a few business owners like Ivor from 360 Auto Lease and Dermot from DC Corr Accountants that I could ask to join with me. I also knew of Mandy at the Bank of Ireland. Others then joined like Kevin from Group Cleaning Services, Stephen McPeake who is our IT guy. Ann Kirk from L Donnelly & Co solicitors and Fiona from Homes Independent.

I am also pleased to say that we have established a relationship with Eoin Trainor from Cancer Focus. We feel at The Network Centre that it is important to give back and we have managed to get the Cancer Focus bus to our quarterly open networking events to provide free health checks on the day. Also because we are a non-profit organisation any money left in the kitty at the end of the year will go to this worthwhile cause.

I hope that if you are reading this, that you are interested in joining our group. It is a group set up to help our members grow their businesses through education and referrals. It also provides good support, and we do believe it is important to give back. So get in touch to find out how you too can become a member of The Network Centre.

Want More Information?

If you would like more information on our events please feel free to contact us using the contact form by clikcing the "Get In Touch". We are here to help whether your a business wanting to join our group or a customer looking to avail of the manay services our members have to offer.